
Privacy Policy

At, we deeply value your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal data with the utmost respect and confidentiality. Our privacy policy outlines the fundamental principles regarding the collection, processing, and protection of your data.

Our Commitment We are committed to ensuring that you are well-informed about how we collect, use, and disclose information about you. This commitment extends across our website (“Site”), applications (“Apps”), questionnaires, surveys, and interactions with our representatives or agents.

Personal Data Collection

  • Personal Data: We collect identifiable information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, company affiliations, demographic details, payment information, accommodation preferences, travel affiliations, feedback, and any other information you choose to provide.
  • Sensitive Personal Data: We may process sensitive information like religious beliefs or health details only as permitted by law or with your explicit consent.
  • Third-Party Data: We may receive personal data from third-party partners, public databases, marketing partners, and social media platforms consistent with your settings.

Data Collection Instances

  • During past interactions at trade shows and networking events.
  • When trade partners use our services, we collect necessary personal data for reservations and event planning.
  • Through feedback forms, communications via email, text, or messaging platforms.
  • When you share photos or engage with us on social media platforms.
  • From third-party sources like travel agencies, airlines, and credit card partners.

Purpose of Data Collection

  • Contractual Performance: We process your data to fulfill contracts, including reservations and orders.
  • Legitimate Business Reasons: We use your data for legitimate business purposes, such as providing customer service, ensuring security, and responding to inquiries.
  • Legal Compliance: We process data to comply with legal obligations, respond to authorities, and protect rights.
  • Consent-Based Processing: We process data based on your consent, including communication preferences and sensitive data related to your travel.

Consent-Based Processing

  • We process your personal data with your explicit consent, which includes communication via email, telephone, and SMS during your travels, and handling sensitive personal data you provide, such as dietary needs or special accommodations.

Vital Interest Processing

  • In urgent situations where consent cannot be obtained, we may process your personal data, including sensitive information, if it’s crucial for your well-being or that of others, such as during medical emergencies.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

  • Accommodation Providers: We share reservation-related personal data with hotels or properties to fulfill your booking. These entities have their own privacy policies.
  • External Partners: We may share your data with our service providers, including financial institutions, auditors, legal advisors, and credit card issuers.
  • Travel-Related Service Partners: We collaborate with third parties like airlines and accommodation providers to offer comprehensive travel services. Our privacy policy does not cover data you provide directly to these third parties.
  • Social Media and Public Forums: Your personal data may be visible to others if you engage with our social media pages or public forums. We encourage caution in these public settings.
  • Legal Obligations: We may disclose your data to comply with legal requirements, enforce our terms, or protect the rights and safety of our guests and others.

Cookies and Data Collection Technologies

  • We use technologies to collect non-personal statistical data about your device, browsing actions, and patterns for service improvement.
  • You can opt-out of data collection by social networks during your visit to our site by logging out and adjusting your browser settings.

Data Storage and Sharing

  • Your personal data is stored on our servers and may be processed by third parties who assist us with various services, including technology partners, customer service providers, travel partners, and payment processors.
  • We strive to protect your data, but no internet transmission or storage method is completely secure.

Third-Party Links

  • Our services may include links to third-party websites. Our privacy policy applies only to our services and not to third-party practices. For third-party privacy practices, please contact them directly.

Managing Preferences and Information

  • You can opt-out of commercial emails and manage your preferences at any time by contacting us at Unsubscribing from marketing communications does not automatically unsubscribe you from transactional messages.

Your Rights Regarding Personal Data at

Understanding Your Rights

  • Access: You’re entitled to request access to your personal data and receive confirmation of its processing by us.
  • Rectification or Erasure: You can have your incomplete personal data completed or erased.
  • Restriction: You may restrict the processing of your personal data under certain conditions.
  • Objection: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, especially for online marketing or based on legitimate interests.
  • Data Portability: You can have your personal data transmitted to you or another controller.
  • Consent Withdrawal: If we process your data based on consent, you can withdraw it at any time. For assistance, contact us at
  • Complaints: Depending on your jurisdiction, you may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Children’s Information

  • Usage Restrictions: Our services are not for use by anyone under 16 without adult supervision.
  • Data Handling: If we collect data from users under 16, we won’t knowingly share it with third parties. Parents or guardians can contact us to remove such information.

Privacy Policy Updates

  • Amendments: We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy. Changes will be posted on our website with the date of update.
  • Notifications: Significant changes will be communicated through our website’s notice. It’s your responsibility to keep your email address current and review policy updates.
  • Acknowledgment: Continued use of our services after amendments implies your acceptance of the new terms.

Contact Information