
Pac Bo Relic – Cao Bang 2022

Pac Bo Relic – Cao Bang

Pac Bo Relic is historical site, 52 km north of Cao Bang city center, is a famous place associated with stories about Uncle Ho. Not only is it a famous revolutionary relic complex, this place possesses a beauty like a fairyland.

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Pac Bo Relic – Cao Bang

Pac Bo relic site is a national revolutionary historical relic – especially of Vietnam, belonging to Pac Bo village, Truong Ha commune, Ha Quang district, Cao Bang province, 52 km north of Cao Bang city.

The relic area includes: Uncle Ho’s memorial house, Coc Po cave (local name means “watershed”), Lung Lan cave, Nguom Vai cave (both on the Mac mountain), Lenin stream, stone table where Uncle Ho worked, Mr. Ly Quoc Gun’s house, Mr. La Thanh’s house, etc..

Today, Pac Bo has become an invaluable cultural and historical relic complex, not only of the people of Cao Bang province but also an invaluable asset of the Vietnamese people, a place of traditional education. history, patriotism for generations of Vietnamese descendants.

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Pac Bo with cool blue water is a place that attracts a lot of visitors.

Moving, commuting

Going to Pac Bo Relic – Cao Bang 2022

Pac Bo is nearly 300 km from Hanoi, about 50 km from Cao Bang city, you can travel by car or motorbike.

Ride a motorbike or a private car

You can completely travel to Pac Bo by private car or by motorbike. Each type of transport has its own interesting. Traveling by car makes you less tired because the route is quite long.

Traveling by motorbike gives you more interesting experiences, more enjoyable when you yourself experience the feeling of cornering, going downhill….

Take a bus

You can go to My Dinh or Giap Bat bus station to catch the bus to Cao Bang town, Fares to Hanoi Cao Bang, Seating fare: about 160,000-170,000. Bed ticket price: 200,000 VND

Time to visit Pac Bo

In fact, you do not have to worry about having to travel to Pac Bo waterfall in any season of the year to be able to see Pac Bo in the most beautiful way. Because Pac Boc in each season has a unique beauty in it.

October to May next year: Dry season, the water is as green as jade.

For this dry season, the Lenin stream in Pac Bo flows gently with its characteristic turquoise color, feeling gentle and calm with a quiet space.

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Lenin Spring Dry Season.

Rainy season, from June to October every year: The spring water flows fast.

In contrast to the dry season, this season’s water in the Lenin stream flows faster, showing the majesty, the trees are greener, no longer the peaceful beauty appears, but instead the strong embraces Pac Bo. .

The water no longer flows gently but has begun to flow stronger and faster, the splashing foam makes you think that the clouds are coming in droves when the rain comes.\

Pac Bo Relic – Cao Bang 2022

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The beauty of Pac Bo is likened to a “fairy scene” when the rainy season comes.

Attractions in Pac Po

Upstream historical relic cluster

– Coc Bo cave is about 80m2 wide, the entrance of the cave is only for one person to walk. This is where Uncle Ho and his revolutionary cadres lived from February 8, 1941 to mid-March 1941. In the cave, there is still a set of tables and chairs where Uncle used to sit and work with revolutionary cadres and Translate important documents.

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The entrance of Coc Bo cave can only fit one person.

The background of Mr. Ly Quoc Gun’s house

This is the house Uncle Ho lived in when he returned to the country to direct the revolution (from January 28 to February 7, 1941). This house was built around 1937, in the style of a local stilt house.

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Point to the floor of Mr. Ly Quoc Gun’s house where Uncle Ho lived and worked for a while.

Lenin Stream

During his time in Pac Bo, Uncle often sat fishing in this stream. Up to now, the relic still retains the relatively intact landscape.

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President Ho Chi Minh often went to the source of Lenin stream to write poetry after stressful working hours.

Panoramic view of Lenin stream

Milestone 108

Now is landmark number 675, is one of 314 ancient Vietnam – China border markers, made of monolithic, oval stone, about 70cm high, above engraved with Chinese and French text.

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Milestone 108 is intact.

Souvenir spots in the central area

President Ho Chi Minh’s memorial house and square yard: built according to the model of ethnic stilt houses, located on Linh Son mountain range, in Pac Bo relic area, inaugurated in 2011. Na Chang field: has an area about 5000m2, was the meeting place to welcome President Ho Chi Minh to visit and talk with the people of Pac Bo on February 20, 1961. Works: exhibition house, reception house.

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Ho Chi Minh Memorial Hall.

Kim Dong relic cluster

Tomb of Kim Dong

Located at the foot of Teo Lai mountain, in Na Ma village. Currently, the entire area is surrounded by a fence. To the left of Kim Dong’s grave is the grave of Kim Dong’s mother, behind is a statue of Kim Dong and an art wall, representing the meaning of the 14 springs of Kim Dong.

Noc En Cave

located in the Phia Dai and Phia U mountains, behind Na Ma village. At this location, in August 1942, Kim Dong was assigned by Uncle Ho to communicate and protect the revolution.

Po Doi – Thoong Ma

is the place where the National Salvation Children’s Team was established (May 15, 1941), led by Kim Dong. Currently, the relic has been built by Cao Bang Provincial Youth Union to build a memorial stele, marking the establishment of the National Salvation Children’s Team and registering members of the team.

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Tomb of Anh Kim Dong – Pac Bo Cao Bang

Bo Bam relic cluster

Mount Mac, Lenin stream, Dau Ho cave: is the place where Cao Bang people held a memorial ceremony for Uncle (September 1969). Duong Van Dinh’s house is the place where President Ho Chi Minh often talks, about the people’s life, the sufferings of the people who lost their country, and propagated the revolution.

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Mount Mack and Stream of Lenin

Mount Mack

Khuoi Nam relic cluster

Khuoi Nam Shack

This is where Uncle stayed the longest. In addition, to ensure Uncle Ho’s safety, the comrades and officers worked two more shacks for him (Khuoi Nam II and III shacks).

Khuoi Nam shack has a very favorable location, located right at the door of the forest, covered, can not be seen from the outside, but it is very clear from the inside, when there is movement, you can retreat, vice versa. Khuoi Nam stream passed the 109 mark to China safely.

The shack is built in the style of an ethnic stilt house, with 2 small compartments, with an area of ​​​​about 12m2. The current shack has only recently been restored.

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Khuoi Nam Shack.

 Sli Dinh Cave and Diem Tieu Cave

It was a place used by Uncle Ho as a secret mailbox, from 1941 to 1945. With the special historical, cultural and scientific values ​​of the relic site, on May 10, 2012, the Prime Minister approved decided to rank Pac Bo historical site as a special national relic (Decision No. 548/QD-TTg).

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Si Dinh Cave.

Tourist attractions you should visit with your Pac Po trip

You should not only go to Pac Bo but should combine to go to the beautiful places of Cao Bang because Cao Bang not only attracts tourists by the beauty of the famous Lenin stream, the landscape of the mountains and forests of Mac, but also thanks to the majestic scenery of young water such as Ban Gioc Waterfall, Nguom Ngao cave.

Ban Gioc Waterfall

Ban Gioc is a majestic and most beautiful waterfall in Vietnam, located in Dam Thuy commune, Trung Khanh district, Cao Bang. From afar, visitors can hear the sound of the waterfall. From a height of over 30 m, large bodies of water pour down through many limestone steps.

In the middle of the waterfall, there is a large stone tissue covered with trees that has split the water into 3 streams like three white silk strips. Day and night, the waterfall billowed down on the flat rocks, throwing up countless white dust particles that blurred a large area.

On sunny days, the steam also forms a magical shimmering rainbow. At the foot of Ban Gioc waterfall is a wide, flat river surface like a mirror. The two banks of the river are green lawns and forests.

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Ban Gioc Waterfall – a famous place in Cao Bang province.

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Panoramic view of Ban Gioc waterfall – the most beautiful natural waterfall in Vietnam.

Nguom Ngao Cave is a large cave formed from the long-term weathering of limestone. Nguom Ngao (Tay ethnic language means Tiger cave, also known as “cave in the middle of the rock valley”) was discovered by locals in 1921.

It has a length of 2,144m, including 3 main doors: Nguom Lom door is cool all year round, hidden under the rocks at the foot of the mountain; Nguom Ngao gate is a few hundred steps from the foot of the mountain and Ban Thuon gate is behind the mountain, next to the Thuon village of the Tay people.

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Beautiful places to take pictures in Pac Bo

Coming to Pac Bo, you should note that you should take pictures, especially at Lenin stream, to take pictures of shimmering fanciful blue water that is very eye-catching.

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Taking pictures at Lenin stream

Besides, there are many beautiful places near Pac Bo relic site that you just need to go to have beautiful and unique photos such as: Ban Gioc Waterfall,  Nguom Ngao Cave…

Take photos at Ban Gioc Waterfall

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Ban Gioc Waterfall

What to eat when traveling to Pac Po

The land of Pac Bo in general and Cao Bang in particular has so many delicious specialties that it is hard for you to forget. There are dishes you should enjoy right on the trip, but there are dishes you can bring back as gifts for friends and relatives. Suggest you the specialties of this Northeast with the following unforgettable dishes.

Pac Bo Lam Rice

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Fragrant sticky rice is served with grilled chicken

Cao Bang bone broth rolls

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Banh cuon – specialty of Cao Bang land

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Banh cuon served with bone broth, with a little extra special Cao Bang’s spring rolls

Kitchen beef

Beef is strung and then hung up in the kitchen

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Vegetables of the night donation

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A special vegetable of the mountainous land – Da Hien

Chongqing chestnuts

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Chongqing chestnut.

The main dining areas when traveling to Pac Bo

The restaurants in Cao Bang when traveling to Pac Bo are quite a lot and are usually concentrated in:

– Near Pac Bo and Ha Quang district center

– Cao Bang town has famous restaurants with Northeastern specialties and many typical dishes of Tay and Nung ethnic groups.


For Pac Bo tourism, you can rest in 2 places:

– Hostels around Pac Bo area, Ha Quang.

– Cao Bang city to rest, because Cao Bang city is only 50km from Pac Bo, more than half of motels and hotels in Cao Bang city are more diverse and of more types. In the evening you can go for snacks, regional specialties and watch the city at night.

Suggested itinerary to Pac Bo 3 days 2 nights

Day 1: Hanoi- Cao Bang- Pac Bo – Cao Bang

5:00am: Departure in Hanoi

8:00am: have breakfast in Tuyen Quang

11:30: Arrive in Cao Bang Town, rent a motel/hotel.

12h00: have lunch and rest

13h30: visit Pac Bo relic site.

14h30: visit Pac Bo relic sites: Kim Dong relic site, Pac Bo museum house, Uncle Ho memorial house, Lenin stream, Mack mountain, Pac Bo cave, Khuoi Nam shack, landmark 108….

16h30: visit Cao Bang town, have dinner at a local restaurant, enjoy the different flavors of the people of the Northeast.

21:00: rest and prepare for the 2nd day journey.

Day 2: Cao Bang- Ban Gioc waterfall- Nguom Ngao- Cao Bang

7:30 am: Breakfast at Cao Bang. Enjoy the specialty of Cao Bang bone broth rolls. Then depart for Ban Gioc

9h30: visit and admire the beauty of Ban Gioc Waterfall – the world’s fourth largest waterfall in waterfalls located on a border between countries. Currently, Ban Gioc Waterfall is a beautiful tourist attraction

12h00: Enjoy a battle meal and rest at the tower area before continuing the journey to visit Nguom Ngao cave.

14h00: visit Nguom Ngao cave – known as the most beautiful cave in the Northeast.

16h00: back to Cao Bang town

18h00: Have dinner, enjoy the specialties of Cao Bang, watch Cao Bang town at night

Day 3: Cao Bang- Hanoi 

7:30 am: have breakfast with specialty of Cao Bang sour noodle soup

8:30: Go to Green market, buy souvenirs, Cao Bang specialties, wild vegetables…..

9:30 am: depart for Hanoi in the direction of National Highway 1A

13h00: Arrive in Lang Son city, have lunch and rest, you can buy some specialties to bring back such as roasted duck with honey, roasted pork, sour bamboo shoots, Na Chi Lang…..

16h00: rest at the resting place in Bac Giang

19h00: Arrive in Hanoi. End of the journey

What to buy as gifts in Pac Bo

Coming to Pac Bo, visitors will have many unique options to buy as gifts. Here are suggestions for places where visitors can buy gifts to take home:

1. Pac Bo – Ha Quang shopping complex

Here you can buy some specialties such as:
+ Kitchen guard
+ Sausage.
Because these are very typical specialties of Ha Quang region.

2. Cao Bang City Shopping Cluster

In Cao Bang city, there are many things you can buy such as:

+ Cakes
+ Souvenirs
+ Wild vegetables, bamboo shoots
+ Chongqing chestnuts

3. Lang Son-Bac Giang shopping cluster 

On the way back, you will stop by 2 provinces of Lang Son and Bac Giang. Along the way, there will be many specialties for you to bring back such as:

+ Persimmon, na Lang Son
+ Salted and sour bamboo shoots with honey
+ Roasted pork, roasted duck
+ Bac Giang rice paper

Wish you have a nice trip!

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